Interior wall insulation has just as many advantages as roof and exterior wall insulation provide for a resident. If you are building a new home and wondering how you can make your resident more energy-efficient, interior wall insulation is a worthy investment.

Here Attic Insulation has listed down the prime benefits you can have by conducting interior wall insulation service. Read on to know more.

  • Saving Energy

Interior wall insulation can contribute greatly in saving energy and lowering dependency over artificial cooling like the roof and external wall insulation. With interior wall insulation, you can create controlled climatic zones within your resident. This type of insulation usually prevents the transfer of heat into or out of the room which is occupied. Therefore, it is one of the most efficient ways to control temperature inside the house and saving few bucks simultaneously.

  • Soundproofing

Installing interior wall insulation contributes in soundproofing in different parts of the rooms. However, you can install specially designed acoustic insulation such as Soundscreen Insulation or Sound Shield Insulation which are very effective at reducing sound transfer. Specialised acoustic insulation products are thicker and more dense than regular thermal insulation, and can reduce noise levels by up to 75%.

Acoustic insulation brings with it many benefits such as creating private spaces and a peaceful indoor environment, and it will also increase the value of your building. Though you can install acoustic insulation in any internal walls, it is particularly recommended for bedrooms, bathrooms and laundries.

  • Safety

Choosing high quality insulation for your internal walls can offer better moisture control to prevent rot, mold and mildew. These problems can be a potential health risk, and will drastically reduce the durability of your insulation. It is wise to choose insulation such as Knauf Earthwool that has non-hygroscopic properties, meaning it will not easily take up moisture from the atmosphere, and won’t rot or encourage the growth of mould or bacteria.

Some types of insulation such as Knauf Earthwool have non-flammable properties, and others such as James Hardie and Bradford Fireseal are considered ‘fire-proof’ because they help reduce the spread of fire. Increase the safety of your building by installing fire rated insulation in your internal walls.

Best Suited Interior Wall Insulators:

The type of internal wall insulation you choose will depend on your specific needs. Just remember the higher the R value, the more effective its thermal properties will be. The best insulation will also have sound reducing, moisture resistant and non-flammable properties. 

Some great choices for insulating your internal walls include: 

  • Knauf Earthwool Sound Shield Wall Insulation Batts
  • Bradford Sound Screen Acoustic Insulation Batts
  • Pink Batts Glasswool Acoustic Wall Insulation
  • Greenstuf Polyester Sound Solution Acoustic Insulation
  • James HardieFire Rockwool Insulation

Regards: Attic Insulation

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