A snag-free roof is not only critical for roof insulation, but also for your home’s overall health. As a homeowner, you must take care of the roofing and gutters at regular intervals. For the roof to be able to protect you and your house from all the storms, heat, and snow; you should not put aside roof repairs for some other day.

You should identify potential problems early and prevent them from becoming more serious and expensive. During my years of experience helping and dealing homeowners for common roof repairs in Melbourne, I’m not hesitant to tell that all bigger maintenance problems in your roof start with a small glitch which is often ignored.

Therefore, we would bring light over some reveal some of the ingenious roof routine maintenance and care tips to avoid major roof leaks down the road.

Heavy rains and snow take a toll on your roof coverings and even if your roof appears to be in good condition, you should do a careful inspection at regular intervals to reveal less obvious damages. This is important while you’re living in an area of extreme weather conditions like Melbourne. You should prepare a preventive maintenance plan for your home’s roof. This is also mandated by roofing manufacturers that all components of your roof receive regular maintenance to claim warranties. 

  • Clogged Gutters

Clogged gutters can affect the overall lifespan of your roof covering. After every rain spell makes sure to remove debris and dirt from your gutters to avoid roof deterioration. Clogged gutters due to debris and leaves can cause roof leaks and damaged beyond repair. You can use a garden hose to flush the gutters and clean out loose debris. Also, check the downspouts by flushing them. If it’s clogged you can use plumber’s snake to clear out the blockage.

  • Damaged Flashings

If your roof has cracks in flashing or if it is bent; you have to immediately replace them because otherwise, moisture can run inside your roof seams. Flashing protects most of the vulnerable parts of your roof including edges, valleys, and junctions where shingles meet other surfaces like walls and chimneys. 

  • Trees and Limbs

There’s no doubt that trees add character and natural bliss to your property. But they can also be a menace, especially when the roof comes into play. Whenever you inspect your roof makes sure no branches are lying on or leaning against the roofing structure. Trim overhanging tree branches as they pose a huge risk of damage or dislodging shingles. 

  • Ponding Water

Water can pond on the roof surface that has a low slope or on the roof that is sagging. This ponding water can cause significant deterioration and negative consequences to your roofing membrane regardless of the type. So, check for any sagging portion of the roof and make sure your roof has a proper slope.

  • Check for signs of damaged roof covering

At the end of every season, check for the signs of damaged shingles. The shingles can dislodge and buckle over time that will increase the risk of water leaks and rot. So, you must inspect the roof to ensure the shingles are structurally sound and are up to the job.


Regards: Attic

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